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Physical Therapy After Breast Cancer

October is breast cancer awareness month.  It is usually the time of the year where we schedule mammograms, wear pink, and get on board to do all we can to help out our fellow sister, neighbor, friend, mom, or wife who is undergoing breast cancer.

One out of eight women will experience breast cancer at a point in her life.  This is a staggering statistic, and most of the time the diagnosis is life altering. Many women will undergo surgery, whether it is a mastectomy or lumpectomy, and many more will undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatment.  Throughout all the doctor appointments, and surgeries, where does physical therapy fit in?? 

A certified oncology physical therapist can help.  They can help with education regarding lymphedema prevention. Physical therapy can help regain ROM lost through surgery or radiation.  We educate about posture and address thoracic and shoulder movement. Therapy can help with scar tissue suffered from procedures.  PT can also help with debilitating loss of function and endurance suffered from chemotherapy.  Therapy should always look at the whole person, not just a body part. The job of a physical therapist is to regain function, movement, and life before cancer.  If you know someone who may need help getting back to “normal” life, contact us at Advanced Physical Therapy. We can help! 


Written by Dr. Kayla Kennedy, PT, DPT

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