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Benefits of Exercise on Depression

Mental health and exercise go hand-in-hand. Read this article to learn more about managing depression with exercise and how we can help!

Exercise is known to manage many physical illnesses but people don’t realize there is a strong link between exercise and mental health. As physical therapists, we work to treat patients as more than a medical diagnosis. Each patient is a unique and complex person dealing with multiple life issues. Often times there is a strong relationship built during treatment and patients open up about their lives. One thing many patients struggle with is depression.

There are multiple forms of depression that are usually split into two categories; primary and secondary. Primary depression is due to chemical imbalances in the brain. It can often get worse during the winter months due to changes in body chemistry with the reduced amount of daylight referred to as Seasonal Affected Disorder. Secondary depression is a condition that can accompany a physical injury or diagnosis. It accounts for 40% of depression cases.

Exercise can help reduce the effects of depression in both primary and secondary categories. Often times chronic fatigue or pain can accompany depression. If you are experiencing these symptoms physical therapy can help. Contact our office for more details about treatment.


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