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Blood Flow Restriction (BFR)

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) is the application of external pressure over the extremities. The applied pressure is sufficient to maintain arterial inflow while occluding venous outflow distal to the restriction site. The goal is to make greater strength gains while lifting lighter loads, reducing the overall stress placed on the limb.

Read more about our expertise in Blood Flow Restriction


Astym treatment is the regenerative medicine of therapy and is designed to restore soft tissues at a cellular level. It regenerates healthy soft tissues (muscles, tendons, etc.), and removes unwanted scar tissue that may be causing pain or movement restrictions. Astym therapy has helped countless people by restoring their movement, getting rid of their pain, and giving them back their lives.

Learn more about our ASTYM®

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

The pelvic floor consists of muscles which form a sling from the pubic bone to the tail bone. Like all the muscles of the body, pelvic floor muscles can weaken or spasm. They can be injured from surgery, prolonged or complicated labor, or from other trauma.

Learn more about our Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

Parkinson’s Therapy

The Parkinson’s branch of physical therapy utilizes the LSVT BIG program, an intensive, amplitude-focused approach developed from principles of the effective Parkinson’s specific speech treatment LSVT LOUD.

Learn more about our Parkinson’s Therapy

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